About Remo

1974年,位於日本愛知縣有一間咖啡室,名為"天天吃也不厭,那麼不可思議的誘人咖喱"。 此咖啡室的店主就是CoCo壱番屋的創辦人宗次德二和直美夫婦。
經過多次的嘗試和失敗,終於研究出原創及獨一無二的美味咖喱。此咖喱的評價在流傳之下極受大衆歡迎,更於1978年開設咖喱專門店,名為「Curry House CoCo壱番屋」。
In 1974, there was a coffee shop in Aichi, Japan renowed for its enchanting delicious curry that people will enjoy eating everyday. The owners of this coffee shop are Mr. Tokuji Munetsugu & Mrs. Naomi Munetsugu, the founders of CoCo Ichibanya.
At that time, Mr. & Mrs. Munetsugu felt that the curry taste didn’t meet their requirements as business use, they devoted themselves to develop the perfect curry sauce.
After many attempts and failures, they finally came up with the original and unique delicious curry. The popularity of this curry spread widely, and in 1978 the first “Curry House CoCo Ichibanya” was opened.
A Dining Destination
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